How to Choose the Best Critical Care Transport Service?

If efficiently enough, an ambulance can accomplish a feat that might seem almost impossible to any normal person. An advanced vehicle equipped with all the modern tools and machineries run by a proactive team of health professionals can provide treatment on the spot. Along with keeping the patient in a stable condition throughout the course of his journey, they might bring him out of life-threating situation if approached at the right time.
The question here arises is, when you are in a situation when any moment can become a matter of dead and life how do you choose a service? This blog will take you through a few crucial pointers you should keep in mind before hiring any advanced medical transportation service.
For any vehicle to be a part of the critical transportation process, government has some norms. One of them is the owner has to register the vehicle under one of three categories – advanced life support, basic life support and patient transport ambulance. The first option is for people who are suffering from a severe condition that required immediate aid from a healthcare specialist while the latter do not pose any urgency.
Going through the basic features government has made mandatory for these emergency medical vehicle you can ensure you get what you paid for. Check the pictures of the mode of transportation before you hire. Consult the hospitals nearby, if you are in touch with any. Both have to constantly work in ambulance services and therefore are aware of the best provides in your locality.
Meeting your Needs
At the time of a medical crisis especially the ones that happen for the first time in your family, you might not know what to do next. The trauma of seeing a loved one fighting for his/ her life can make you feel bewildered. Thus, you need someone who can take the lead and provide a seamless delivery of the ill family member.
When you have the top hospitals situated in vicinity of your home, a road ambulance will work the best. Whereas overseas transportation can’t be done without airways. If the patient is terribly sick, you will need help in driving him/ her hospital from the airport, here a combination of road transportation and a medical aircraft will serve the purpose.
Life savers ambulance offers a host of services which covers all three means of transportation with its air, road and railway ambulance service. So, no matter where your next to kin lives, our warriors will reach in life and help you win a victory for them.
Equipment and Staff
Technology is the greatest tool for solving the biggest problems. With the right set of equipment, any medial specialist can quickly detect the upcoming dangers and act accordingly. It helps them to be fully prepared for the situation that arises.
High-tech machineries can’t alone save the life of a patient. Assistance of skilled technicians, paramedics and doctors can change the fate of the greatly suffering individual. In our ICU ambulance, we have at least one doctor who specialized in critical care. This ensures the patient get the right treatment as and when needed.
For a proper implementation a medical transportation provider should offer a dedicated 24 x 7 helpline. It can aid you during the distressing time by clearing your doubts and offering additional help. Choose a service that can carry the patient from his/ her house to the hospitals without any breaks. That’s reduces the time consumed in getting the patient to the healthcare center. Last but not the least; their services should be flexible enough to transport the patient back to home.